• You will not be a candidate for permanent make up procedures if you:

    Are under the age of 18.

    Are pregnant or nursing.

    Have had Botox or dermal fillers in the brow or upper face area within the last 3 weeks.

    Have taken Accutane in the past 1.5 years AND your skin has not yet regulated.

    Are diabetic (must be controlled.)

    Have autoimmune disorders or have had an organ transplant (unless client brings a signed consent letter from their Doctor.)

    Have had chemotherapy in the past year.

    Have a contagious diseases or viral infections.

    Have history of epilepsy and seizure disorders (unless client brings a signed consent letter from their Doctor.)

    Have had their eyebrows or hair on their forehead waxed within the last 2 days of procedure.

    Have had electrolysis or laser removal on their forehead within 14 days of procedure.

    Have had a chemical peel within 1 month of procedure (skin should be fully healed from any procedure!)

    Have an active sunburn or frostbite.

    Currently uses products with: alpha/beta hydroxy acid or Retin-A products (must discontinue use 14 days prior to procedure.)

    Have iron deficiency, anemia, or are frequent smokers (the pigment may fade sooner and bleeding/bruising may occur during and after procedure).

    Use of blood thinning drugs or blood pressure medications.

    History of keloid or hypertrophic scarring.

    Have allergies to ingredients in topical numbing creams, metals (iron, nickel, etc.)

    Are unable to adhere to business policies, pre-care or after care instructions.

  • DO NOT drink coffee or any caffeinated beverages the day of your treatment. (Caffeine is a stimulant and may cause increased pain and bleeding)

    DO NOT drink any alcohol 24 hours prior to your procedure. (No alcohol 7 days before and after your procedure is recommended for optimal healing)

    DO NOT take aspirin, Niacin, Vitamin E, or Ibuprofen within 24-48 hours before treatment

    DO NOT tint, dye or laminate your eyebrows within 2 weeks of your procedure. (We recommend waiting 4 weeks after your touch up procedure to resume these treatments)

    DO NOT tan or sun bathe the week before your appointment. We cannot microblade on sunburned skin

    DO NOT wax or thread eyebrow area within one week of your procedure

    NO chemical peels, laser treatments microdermabrasion, microneedling, mesotherapy (or any other intense skin treatment) within 4 weeks of your procedure. This will affect the healing of your eyebrows and cause them to fade much faster

    DO NOT discontinue any medication before consulting with your Doctor

    DO NOT use AHA/BHA skincare products close to the procedure area within 2 weeks before treatment

    The National Blood Service does not accept donations of blood for 1 year after a permanent cosmetic enhancement​


    Using a gentle cleanser, lightly massage the brows in small circles, pat dry with a soft tissue, and apply a rice grain amount of the provided ointment after each wash. Begin washing your brows about 1-2 hours after your service. After the 4th day, leave your brows alone and do not wash or apply ointment as to not disrupt the flaking. It is also normal for the brows to not flake.

    Microblading: 3x a day for 4 days

    Combo/Powder: 4x a day for 4 days


    Gentle Cleansers such as Cerave, Cetaphil or Ponds are recommended. Avoid using cleansers that contain oils, charcoal or acids. Avoid using bar soap and micellar cleansers.


    Continue to minimize sun exposure. Lasers on treated areas can cause the ink to discolor. Exfoliating and skin lightening products (chemical peels, alpha & beta hydroxy acids) promote ink loss. These Products should be avoided on the treated area. Any form of topical Vitamin A should be avoided on the forehead altogether. Facial oils and natural skin oils on the forehead will result in blurred hair strokes over time.


    Increased sweating, exercise, strenuous activity

    Getting your brows/forehead wet outside of the instructed washing

    Tanning bed use at any point after having brows tattooed will prevent discoloration and premature fading

    Always let estheticians know of any permanent makeup procedures before receiving peels, micro needling, microdermabrasion or lasering services

    Do not pick at flaking or possible scabbing. This will pull the ink out permanently and may cause scarring

    Wash hands prior to washing brows. Wash pillowcases to lower risk of infection

    Avoid Retin-A, retinol, Vitamin A or oils on the forehead

    No lotion, non-gentle cleansers or makeup should be applied to the brows until they are done flaking


  • You will not be a candidate for permanent make up procedures if you:

    Are under the age of 18.

    Are pregnant or nursing.

    Have had Botox or dermal fillers in the brow or upper face area within the last 3 weeks.

    Have taken Accutane in the past 1.5 years AND your skin has not yet regulated.

    Are diabetic (must be controlled.)

    Have autoimmune disorders or have had an organ transplant (unless client brings a signed consent letter from their Doctor.)

    Have had chemotherapy in the past year.

    Have a contagious diseases or viral infections.

    Have history of epilepsy and seizure disorders (unless client brings a signed consent letter from their Doctor.)

    Have had their eyebrows or hair on their forehead waxed within the last 2 days of procedure.

    Have had electrolysis or laser removal on their forehead within 14 days of procedure.

    Have had a chemical peel within 1 month of procedure (skin should be fully healed from any procedure!)

    Have an active sunburn or frostbite.

    Currently uses products with: alpha/beta hydroxy acid or Retin-A products (must discontinue use 14 days prior to procedure.)

    Have iron deficiency, anemia, or are frequent smokers (the pigment may fade sooner and bleeding/bruising may occur during and after procedure).

    Use of blood thinning drugs or blood pressure medications.

    History of keloid or hypertrophic scarring.

    Have allergies to ingredients in topical numbing creams, metals (iron, nickel, etc.)

    Are unable to adhere to business policies, pre-care or after care instructions.

    For lip blush only: Must not have a history of cold sores, as the mechanism of the procedure may cause onset of symptoms. You should consult with your physician as it may be possible to retrieve medication as a preventative measure (must start a few days prior.)


    No Botox and fillers in lip area.

    No chemical peels, laser facials or microdermasion.

    No Fraxel, Co2 and IPL laser treatments.

    Avoid tanning (sun and tanning beds).

    Discontinue Retin-A, Retinol or AHA (alpha hydroxy acids).


    Avoid alcohol, caffeine and stimulants 48 hours prior to procedure.

    Begin antiviral medication 2 days prior to the procedure. Continue use the day of and 2 days post procedure.

    Do not work out at least 48 hours prior to your procedure.

    Do not tan, have sunburnt face or dry and chapped lips. Exfoliate, mask and moisturize lips for 1 week prior to appointment.

    Avoid blood thinning medications such as Aspirin, Ibuprofen and Advil, Niacin, Vitamin E and Fish Oil. It is required that you consult your physician before discontinuing or altering doses of any medication and supplements.


    You will be more sensitive during your menstrual cycle.

    DIY lip scrub recipe:

    - 1 tbs honey, 1 tbs olive or coconut oil, 2 tbs brown sugar and 1/2 tbs lukewarm water.

    - Mix olive or coconut oil and honey. Then add the brown sugar and water. Rub mixture on your lips in a circular motion for two minutes and rinse off with lukewarm water.

  • Before bed, wash lips gently with sterile water (boiled water cooled down to lukewarm or room temperature), pat dry and apply healing ointment.

    DAY 2-10:

    Apply healing ointment every morning and night until lips heal (approximately 1-2 weeks). If lips feel dry during the day, apply a light layer of ointment. Do not rub, but gently dab and press onto skin. Do not allow the lips so become dry.

    No soaps, cleansers or any chemicals on lips. When washing your face, be careful to avoid lip area for at least 10 days.

    No lip makeup (other than healing ointment) for about 10 days.

    No scratching, picking or licking of dry or flaking skin.

    No spicy, greasy salty or oily foods for at least 48 hours. While eating, avoid excessive wiping or licking of lips.

    No kissing, smoking, rubbing, or causing irritation of any kind for at least 10 days.

    No extreme sweating for at least 5 days.

    No swimming pools, hot tubs or other bodies of water for at least 7 days.

    When showering, avoid direct contact with the shower head. Make sure to cover ointment on lips to protect them from water for at least 7 days.

    When brushing teeth, apply ointment on lips and prevent rubbing the lips with the toothbrush by placing cotton balls underneath the lips.

    No direct UV exposure (sun, tanning beds) for at least 10 days. The lips develop new skin during the healing process and is susceptible to sunburns, scarring or hyperpigmentation if exposed to direct sun prematurely.

    Try to drink out of straws for at least 10 days, or until the lips have fully peeled.


    Try to drink out of straws for at least 10 days, or until the lips have fully peeled.

    If client wishes to do botox or lip fillers, they must wait 4 weeks post-procedure

    If client is undergoing an MRI or laser treatments, they must inform the technician of cosmetic tattoo procedures. Laser procedures may darken, lighten or distort pigment of lip color.

    No exfoliants, retinol acids, glycolic acids and alpha hydroxy acids on the lip area for at least 30 days, as it may cause premature fading.

    Always wear SPF. Sun exposure causes premature fading.


  • Client is pregnant or breastfeeding

    Client has history of keloids or hypertrophic scarring.

    Client has a sunburn or tan.

    Client has had Botox within 2 weeks of appointment.

    Client has had a chemical within one month of the appointment.

    Client has skin irritations (rash, sunburn, acne, etc.) or psoriasis on/near the procedure area.

    Client has used topical steroids on the procedure area.

    Client has used Accutane within the past 12 months.

    Client has any viral or bacterial infections.

    Client is sick (cold flu, severe sinus allergies, etc.)

    Client suffers from hemophilia.

    Client has uncontrolled high blood pressure.

    Client has a pacemaker or heart problems.

    Client has had an organ transplant.

    Client is currently undergoing chemotherapy.

    Client takes any immunosuppressant medications.

    Client is under any treatment or has any illness that compromises the immune system.

    Client has had ANY surgeries within the past 30 days.

    Client has poor general health.

  • Absolutely no alcohol or caffeine for 24 hours prior.

    No blood thinners such as ibuprofen, aspirin, Advil, niacin, vitamin E, fish oils, etc. unless medically necessary for 72 hours prior.

    No working out the day of your appointment.

    Protect your skin from UV rays for 2 weeks prior to your appointment.

    No Botox treatments in the procedure area for 2 weeks prior to your appointment.

    Avoid facials, chemical peels, or microdermabrasion for the 4 weeks prior to your appointment.

    Avoid booking on your menstrual cycle as this may increase pain.

    The procedure area must be free of all irritations including ingrown hairs, rashes, blemishes, eczema, and psoriasis.

    Absolutely no anti-acne or anti-aging products on the skin for 2 weeks prior to your procedure as they may contain active ingredients that should be avoided prior to your appointment and post-procedure.

  • For the first 48 hours, refrain from getting the treated area wet. Use a makeup wipe or a washcloth to wash around the procedure area.

    Until scabbing is complete, no makeup or skincare products should go within 1" of the procedure area.

    Avoid sweating, swimming pools, jacuzzi's or other bodies of water. Do not soak your face underwater in a bathtub or allow the shower to spray directly in your face for two weeks.Please refrain from threading, waxing, or using hair removal products on the treated area while healing.

    As the scab starts to form, keep the area clean and dry. The longer the scab stays, the better the result. Cleanse gently twice daily with unscented soap and pat dry with a clean towel or paper towel.

    Do not touch, rub, scratch or pick the scab! Doing so may cause scarring and/or hyperpigmentation as well as prevent the saline from removing as much pigment as possible.

    Once the scab has fallen off on its own, you may begin applying a high-quality oil or ointment 3x daily, like vitamin E or Bio Oil. No other creams or chemicals should be applied during this time.

    Saline removal is a process. Desireable results take an average of 3-6 sessions depending on the depth & pigment of the unwanted tattoo, among other factors.


    Exposure to the sun can cause hypopigmentation, hyperpigmentation, and scarring. It is imperative that you stay out of the sun and wear sunglasses. Simply applying sunscreen to the treated area is not enough. Wear large sunglasses and a hat for further protection.

    Glycolic acid, microdermabrasion, and chemical face peel products must be kept away from the treated area.

    If you are having laser resurfacing or laser hair removal after the treated area has healed, please inform the laser technician. Continue at your own discretion. Laser procedures can cause scarring.


You may not be sure if this is the right procedure for you or there may be other conditions that may not be listed that you may want to discuss with your artist in person. You can send over an email to discuss simple matters or book an in person consultation for more detailed discussions.